Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hot Springs National Park, AR [7.6.11]

It’s 93 degrees when we pull into Hot Springs. After finding the visitor center and watching a short film on the history of Hot Springs, we tour the building, a former bath house, and then walk along Bath House Row to The Arlington.

Once inside, we go to the spa where they offer thermal baths. We split up from Brian and go to the women’s section and prepare for our bath.

After 20 minutes of bathing in a tub of HOT THERMAL WATER and a vigorous loofah scrub by our new friend Susan, we are relaxing on tables with hot towels wrapped around our arms and legs and a cold towel wrapped around our faces.

We leave our tables, take showers, go to a cooling room and relax some more, then get dressed and leave our friend Susan behind to work on her next customers. What a day!

1 comment:

  1. Mummies! I thought you were mummies for a second! Oh how fun - and relaxing after all that car time.
