Friday, July 8, 2011

Amarillo, TX [7.8.11]

During the BIG SNOWSTORM we had this past February I started booking campsites for this trip. School and work was shut down and our family was gathered around the wood stove. It was fun thinking about warm places to be while the snow was being dumped on our barn and I simply had NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING!!!! Who books a campsite in Palo Duro Canyon, TX in July? But I did, and we went there today.

We started driving down into the canyon after we checked in and we were struck by the beauty of the landscape.

But when we got to our campsite it was HOT! It was REALLY HOT! In fact, our car said it was 108 degrees outside... what is up with 108 degrees??? I think the thermometer was stuck there from yesterday. My family was NOT HAPPY!

So we came up with Plan B. A hotel.

Yes, it has a pool, AC, breakfast tomorrow morning and TV!!!! Everyone is happy.

1 comment:

  1. hope you said hello to texas for us !! yes, the last time we camped there it was july and 105 degrees, so no. your thermometer was not stuck ! miss you guys and hope you continue to have amazing adventures ! xOOx, daniele and all the big gang
